At Talbot County Outfitters we follow all county, state, and federal laws stated in the Maryland hunting handbook. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will result in termination of the individual’s hunt. No refund will be given in the result of a terminated hunt. The below rules and regulations are for the hunter’s safety, the safety of others, and the property owners. These rules will be strictly enforced!
– Follow all county, state, and federal laws stated in the Maryland hunting handbook.
– All hunters are to remain in their stands at all times. Arrangements with the guide will be made for transportation to and from the assigned stand site.
– The guide will do tracking of all taken game.
– Whitetail hunters are restricted to 1 buck with 8 points or better and 3 does per 3 day hunt. A buck taken that does not meet this restriction subject the hunter to a $400 fine (a ‘point’ is considered ½ inch in length).
– Whitetail no button bucks will be taken. Failure to comply subjects the hunter to a $200 fine.
– Duck and Goose hunters are to keep guns unloaded to and from blind sites
All hunters will need to make sure they have the proper hunting license and permits to hunt in the state of Maryland. To apply for a Maryland hunting license please visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
Maryland Hunting Licenses, Stamps and Permits
Maryland Sport Fishing & Crabbing Licenses
We are here to help you if needed. Please Contact Us with any questions.
Thank you, Talbot County Outfitters.